понедельник, 3 февраля 2020 г.

Think about the differences betwen Present Perfect and Past Simple and do the next exercises. 

Упражнение 1. Раскройте скобки, чтобы получить Present Perfect или Past Simple.
1.       I … (do) this exercise before.
2.     I … (do) this exercise tw0 minutes ago.
3.     We … (go) to school since the first form. .
4.     We … (go) to school yesterday.
5.     You … ( see) a horse last week.
6.     You … (never/ see) a horse.
7.     He … (just/say) that.
8.     He …  (say) that a minute ago.
9.     They … (already/ have) breakfast.
10.  They … ( have) breakfast at 2 o’clock.

Упражнение 2. Перепишите предложения, используя Present Perfect or the Past Simple.
ПРИМЕР. I am writing a letter to my cousin, (already, yesterday).
I have already written a letter to my cousin.
I wrote a letter to my cousin yesterday.

1. Mother is bringing our tea. (a few minutes ago; not yet)
2. The bell is ringing. (just; some minutes ago)
3. He is going to London in a few days. (already; last week)
4. The boys are playing football in the yard now. (yesterday; many times)
5. Anna is reading a new novel by Chekhov. (this month; last year)
6. Students are cleaning their classrooms. (already; last Saturday)
7. The teacher is explaining a new rule. (just, at the last lesson)
8. Ann is doing the flat. (just; on Friday)
9. They are discussing this plan again. (many times; a few days ago)
10. Granny is making a birthday cake. (just; yesterday)

Present perfect

Whatch the video and learn the rule.

Happy holidays!!! Урок №21-22   8th  form 26.05 -28.05 1 Reading  SB p 126 ex 1-2 2 Grammar SB p 127 ex 1-6 You don`t hav...